Friday, 25 April 2014

Take cover

Hello again internet

Even the most casual reader will have noticed my presence lacking from the Bloggersphere since my return from Ghana. I've barely had time to think between painting a shed, watching Netflix, and putting the washing out. Needless to say, all this frenetic activity has been sapping my creative juices from blog writing. In truth, there's just not been much to write about compared to 6 months on another continent!

When not procrastinating to the highest level (putting off things which don't actually need to be done in the first place), I have been looking for teaching jobs. I managed to find one, too - woop woop - although saying I found it implies I had to look hard...which I didn't. It was like playing hide-and-seek with a 5 year old; eventually theyjump out, wanting desperately to be found.
The school has two physics teachers leaving in the summer - I guess you could say they were a bit desperate! They gave the game away when I was the only one being interviewed. Pretty much an open goal. But you still have to score them.
I look at it as compensation for doing a Physics degree - at least Physics teachers are in demand at the end of it.

So I start this Monday. Despite having all the time in the world to prepare I feel under prepared - a pretty constant state of mind for me. I'm looking forward to not having my teaching incessantly scrutinised, but it's bittersweet as I'm now totally responsible for the pupils' attainment and behaviour.

Ghana seems like a lifetime ago now, but I still miss it. Mainly the people and culture, not so much the food and dust. It helped put a lot of things in perspective, and I also realised I love teaching. Which is always a good thing for a teacher!

In the intervening two months since being back I have achieved one thing, however. I found the worst job in the world (and tried a hand at it too). Never mind flipping burgers or stacking shelves - both of which take pride of place on my CV - this is far, far worse. Maximum stress. 0% job satisfaction. I am talking, of course, about... Cover teaching.

Everyone's known the feeling in school when the "sub" turns up to scenes of jubilation, to set work that never gets completed and to control a class wielding no real power other than "I'll tell on you!". You may pity them at first, but then it's a mission to see how much the class can get away with - pencil wars, shifting tables, walking name it.
Well, that "sub" was me, 5 lessons a day, for a week in the valleys. I felt more like a referee in a boxing match.

I should make an important distinction between cover teaching and supply teaching - supply teachers get the same classes more than once, in their own subject, and are valued members of staff. I'm sure some people can hack it, but I couldn't bear any more than the 4 days I did.

So that's teaching in a nutshell - simultaneously the best and worst job in the world. Wish me luck!

Anyway I wanted to add one last post to finish off (*sniff*) this blog and my Ghanaian adventure. It's been fun.
Perhaps next time I will blog about a more serious topic like cereal or fantasy football or something...
